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Legal Notice and Privacy Policy

This website is owned by BARIATRIC LINE, S.L., with registered office at Calle Viera y Clavijo, number 30, Planta 2ª, C.P. 35.002-Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, and CIF number B67779934, informs of the provisions governing the use of the service of the Internet Portal www.bariatricline.com (hereinafter "Portal").

The company is registered in the Mercantile Registry of Las Palmas, folio 24, volume 2282, page GC-59.080, 1st inscription.


BARIATRIC LINE S.L., in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation, in addition to its self-imposed ethical standards, informs you of the treatment that will be given to personal data that you voluntarily provide when you access our website to use any of the services that the entity provides online.

BARIATRIC LINE S.L. has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of data, given the state of technology.

The rights of access, deletion, oblivion, limitation of treatment, portability, rectification and opposition may be exercised by writing, with reliable proof of the identity of the petitioner, addressed to BARIATRIC LINE S.L. Address Department at C/ Viera y Clavijo, 30, 2º 35002 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 

Use of the Portal

The access and / or navigation through the Portal attributes to the user the condition of User. As a User, you declare that you are of legal age and have sufficient legal capacity to be bound by these conditions of use and access to the Portal. The User accepts, expressly and without exception, that the access and use of the Portal, its services and the contents of such services takes place under his sole and exclusive responsibility, which extends to the use, by the User or any third party, of any password or similar assigned for access to the Portal or any of its services.

The user agrees to use the Portal, its services and contents in accordance with current legislation, good faith, generally accepted uses and public order. It is prohibited, the use for illegal or harmful purposes against BARIATRIC LINE SL, any third party, or in any way, may cause damage or impede the normal operation of the Portal.

BARIATRIC LINE S.L. makes every effort to avoid any errors in the contents that may appear on this Portal. BARIATRIC LINE S.L. does not guarantee, nor is responsible for the consequences that may arise from errors in the content that may appear on this site provided by BARIATRIC LINE S.L. or third parties.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, BARIATRIC LINE S.L. reserves the right to deny at any time and without prior notice, access to the Portal to those users who violate these general conditions of use and access. 

Intellectual and Industrial Property

All contents of the Portal, such as photographs, graphics, images, text, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or sound content, as well as graphic design (hereinafter the "Content") and source codes, are the intellectual property of "BARIATRIC LINE S.L.", the developer of the Portal, or third parties, and are duly registered or in the process of registration, without being transferred to the user any of the rights of exploitation thereof beyond what is strictly necessary for the proper use of the Portal.

BARIATRIC LINE S.L. does not grant any license or authorization of use of any kind on its intellectual and industrial property rights or any other property or right related to the website and the services offered.

The modification, copying, alteration, reproduction, adaptation or translation by the User or third parties without their express authorization is expressly prohibited.

The provision of all these elements owned by BARIATRIC LINE S.L. or third parties contained in the Portal does not imply, in any case, the transfer of ownership or the granting of a right of use in favor of the User.

In the event that any user or third party considers that there has been a violation of their legitimate rights by the introduction of certain content on the Portal, you must immediately notify this circumstance to BARIATRIC LINE SL.

Any attempt to obtain the contents of the Portal by any means other than those made available to users as well as those commonly used in the network, provided they do not cause any damage to the BARIATRIC LINE SL Portal is prohibited.

Data collection forms

The User expressly consents to the incorporation of the data provided to treatments whose owner and responsible is the entity that owns the website, and whose purpose is to respond to your request. The User may at any time exercise the rights indicated above, without this decision may be retroactive, communicating it through the mail indicated. All information provided by the User through the forms for the above purposes or any other must be truthful. In any case, the User will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and the damages caused to the entity or third parties for the information provided.

Information about Data Protection and JOB APPLICATIONS

Purpose of Processing

Manage the job application

Time periods or criteria for data retention

The information will be kept for 1 year

Automated decisions, profiling and applied logic

No automated decisions or profiling studies are applied.

Details of the legal basis for the processing

Consent of the interested party

Obligation or not to provide data and consequences of not providing data

Failure to provide the information requested in the calls for applications may result in the rejection of the application.

Rights of interested parties

Applicants have the right to access, rectification, deletion, portability, limitation of treatment and/or opposition upon request by email or in writing to our address above, duly identifying themselves.


Incorporation of your data in the commercial process

The user expressly consents to the incorporation of the data provided to treatments whose owner and responsible is the owner of the website, and whose purpose is to manage your purchase and requests. The user may at any time exercise the rights indicated above, without this decision may have retroactive effect, communicating it through the mail indicated. All information provided by the user through the forms for the above purposes or any other, must be truthful. In any case, the user will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and the damages caused to the entity or third parties for the information provided. Any untruthful information provided may prevent the purchase process from being carried out or may be paralyzed at any time. Bariatric may contact people who complete the purchase process in order to carry out surveys, follow up on orders placed and offer products related to the purchase made by e-mail, telephone, SMS or instant messaging.

Legitimate Basis: Fulfillment of the contract signed. Legal obligations for the responsible party.

Retention of data: The legally required period

Planned transfers: Financial entities, competent public administrations in the field

Transaction security.

The entity guarantees that it will treat with total security and confidentiality the data corresponding to the means of payment used. The data of the card used for the payment are transmitted in encrypted form through the SSL secure protocol, which guarantees the secrecy in the communication through a dialogue with encryption keys.

The entity, in order to guarantee the security of the transactions carried out through this web page has incorporated, in its control processes, the verification and previous management of the information provided by the client regarding the payment card. The entity reserves the right to reject the request for contracting and purchase of products and/or services whose payment is made using a card that is not of its ownership, obtained fraudulently or with which it is intended to carry out a fraudulent operation that harms the interests of its holder, the entity or any third party.

Any requests from law enforcement agencies should be made via e-mail to the contact address indicated on the website.

Please note, additionally, that the suppliers or issuers of the means of payment used may have adopted other anti-fraud measures that may lead to the rejection of certain types of transactions. the entity does not control and is not responsible for the damages that may be caused by the application of the policies approved by the different suppliers or issuers of means of payment.

The use of a means of payment owned by a third party is forbidden except with the express authorization of said third party, who shall be responsible for the proof of said authorization and shall assume all damages caused to the entity.

Subscriptions, Newsletters and Commercial Communications

The user expressly consents to the incorporation of the data provided to treatments whose owner and responsible is the entity that owns the website, and whose purpose is to send general information via email, SMS or instant messaging, newsletters published by the entity and establish telephone contacts. The user may at any time exercise the above-mentioned rights, without this decision being retroactive, by communicating it through the indicated e-mail or by communicating his/her unsubscription during the phone call. In our mailings you can always find a direct way to manage your consent and unsubscribe from our mailings. You can communicate your unsubscription through the mail of the entity: [email protected].

Legitimate Basis: User's consent

Data conservation: As long as the user maintains his/her consent.

Data Protection Information: Commercial Communications

Purpose of Processing: To allow the entity to send general information and / or newsletters to the applicant. Communications by telephone call.

Time periods or criteria for data retention: The information will be kept as long as the person keeps his/her consent in force.

Rights of the persons concerned: People have the right to access, rectification, deletion, portability, limitation of treatment and / or opposition upon request by email or in writing to our address above, duly identifying themselves.

The date of birth is only requested, on a voluntary basis, in order to offer promotions on the dates indicated.

The intervention center data is only requested for the analysis of the entity's commercial campaigns, for statistical purposes.

The gender indicator is only requested, on a voluntary basis, for statistical purposes of the entity.

User registration

The user expressly consents to the incorporation of the data provided to treatments whose owner and responsible is the owner of the website, and whose purpose is to manage your registration as a user on our platforms. The user may at any time exercise the rights indicated above, without this decision may have retroactive effect, communicating it through the mail indicated. All information provided by the user through the forms for the above purposes or any other, must be truthful. In any case, the user will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and the damages caused to the entity or third parties for the information provided. Any information provided that is not truthful may prevent the registration process from being carried out or may be paralyzed at some point.

The entity will send you information about the actions and events of the platform, to which you may object in the mailings you receive.

Legitimate Basis: Consent of the person. Fulfillment of legal obligations, if any, in the relationship with the registered persons.

Retention of data: The legally required period and/or as long as consent is maintained.

Exclusion of liability

The user will be liable for damages of any nature that BARIATRIC LINE S.L. may suffer as a result, directly or indirectly, the breach by the user of this document.

Quality of service

Access to the Portal does not imply any obligation on the part of BARIATRIC LINE S.L. to control the absence of viruses, worms or any other harmful computer element. It is up to the user, in any case, the availability of adequate tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer programs.

BARIATRIC LINE S.L. is not responsible for any damage caused to the computer equipment of users or third parties during the provision of the Portal service.

Availability of the Service

Access to the Portal requires services and supplies from third parties, including transport through telecommunications networks whose reliability, quality, continuity and operation does not correspond to BARIATRIC LINE S.L.. Therefore, the services provided through the Portal may be suspended, canceled or become inaccessible, prior to or simultaneously with the provision of the Portal service.

BARIATRIC LINE S.L. is not responsible for damages of any kind caused to the user that are caused by failures or disconnections in telecommunications networks that cause the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the Portal service during the provision of the same or previously.

Invalidity of clauses

If any clause of the present document is declared, totally or partially, null or ineffective, such nullity or ineffectiveness shall only affect such provision or part of the same that is null or ineffective, and the rest of the clauses shall survive in all other respects, and such provision or part of the same that is affected shall be considered as not included, unless, because it is essential to the present document, it should affect them in their entirety.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

These General Conditions shall be interpreted and governed in accordance with Spanish law.

For any dispute arising from the existence, access, use or content of the General Conditions, both the Client and BARIATRIC LINE HEALTHCARE SL, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply, submit to the jurisdiction and exclusive competence of the Courts and Tribunals of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

BARIATRIC LINE S.L. is available to all users to improve the content and services of the Portal. If you have any suggestions or proposals, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at the address [email protected].

Legal information and acceptance

The user agrees to use the website, content or services in accordance with the law, this legal notice, and the specific conditions of each of the services, good customs and public order. Similarly, the user agrees not to use the website or services offered for illegal purposes or effects contrary to the contents of these general conditions, harmful to the rights and interests of BARIATRIC LINE SL of third parties, or in any way damage, disable, overburden, or impair the website or services or prevent the normal use or enjoyment of the website by other users.